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Transition with the seasons✨🦋

Love Message!

This is just a little something to motivate you as we enter a new month and a new season. May has given us mental health awareness month and as we close out, I hope the message finds you well and is helpful.

June is on the horizon!

We are closing out a month and season as we enter June. What seeds have you sown over the last few months? Do you feel satisfied with the way the spring season unfolded for you? It's always a good time to evaluate your current regimen and patterns to ensure they align with your living your most authentically fulfilling life. A lot can happen in one month or season; sometimes, you've taken a detour and need an adjustment to realign. If you've been in the B'WARE community for some time, you know we practice making sure we are our best first to be the best to those around us, which is why it's great to have consistent check-ins. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself as we enter into a new month and head into the summer season:

  • How many hours of sleep am I getting each night?

  • When was the last time I connected with nature?

  • Am I caring for my overall health by eating well and staying active?

  • Do I need to say no to specific requests right now?

  • Have I incorporated time off for myself to do absolutely nothing?

  • Are my current patterns supporting my plans/goals?

When you focus on your well-being, you will have a clear mind to focus on the well-being of those around you, such as your loved ones and those who may require your attention. 

Resources Below!

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